Secrets of the Elite
- Released: 2012
- 3x DVDs + 1x Audio CD
- Secrets, Preparations, Derivatives DVDs + Four Sign Posts Audio CD
- 211 mins video + 68 mins audio
Secrets of the Elite: Includes all new information as of May 2012 on 4th Disc (CD) - You must know the Secrets of the Elite (Mindset) in order to survive the New World Order. Now you will hear the hidden Secrets of the Elite. See and hear a Wall Street Insider who appears on Lindsey Williams' DVD for the first time with his story. Four prominent professionals explain - Insider trading - Derivatives - What congressmen, judges, and some lawyers know that you are never told. Learn what the younger Elite are taught.
The Secrets of the Elite DVD Available
The Secrets of the Elite
Includes all new information as of May 2012 on 4th Disc (CD) - You must know the Secrets of the Elite (Mindset) in order to survive the New World Order. Now you will hear the hidden Secrets of the Elite. See and hear a Wall Street Insider who appears on Lindsey Williams' DVD for the first time with his story. Four prominent professionals explain - Insider trading - Derivatives - What congressmen, judges, and some lawyers know that you are never told. Learn what the younger Elite are taught. Please obtain a DVD of this presentation to share with your family and friends