How to Survive the Next Four Years
- Released: 2012
- 2x DVDs
- 163 mins.
How to Survive the Next Four Years: It would not be right to leave people without an answer as to what they can do, therefore, a second DVD series was produced. "How to Survive the Next Four Years" details how to Devise your own Freedom, Getting out of the rut, The currency of your choice, Design your own method, Freedom at last (from slavery), The right to succeed, Think for yourself and There is another way.
How to Survive the Next Four Years (DVD 1)
How to Survive the Next Four Years (DVD 2)
How to Survive the Next Four Years DVD Available
How to Survive the Next Four Years
It would not be right to leave people without an answer as to what they can do, therefore, a second DVD series was produced. "How to Survive the Next Four Years" details how to Devise your own Freedom, Getting out of the rut, The currency of your choice, Design your own method, Freedom at last (from slavery), The right to succeed, Think for yourself and There is another way. Please obtain a DVD of this presentation to share with your family and friends.